

Republic of Belarus,
Shchuchin, st. Linden, 6/3

+375 (44) 507-20-07

Грибы шампиньоны свежие охлаждённые в лотках

SKU: N/A Category:
  • 250 grams
  • 300 grams MINI
  • 400 grams
  • 700 grams GRIL
  • Low calorie product
    Champignons are included in various diets, as they contain a lot of protein, vitamins, trace elements and at the same time low-calorie.
    In 100g - 27kcal


  • Protein source
    1 kg of mushrooms in terms of protein is almost equal to 1 liter of cow's milk
    In 100g - 4.3 g of protein


  • Nicotinic Acid PP Source
    Thanks to niacin, champignons help lower cholesterol, eliminate cholesterol plaques and thin the blood. Regular consumption of champignons reduces the risk of atherosclerosis.
    In 100g - 27% of the daily intake


  • P phosphorus
    In terms of phosphorus content, champignons compete with seafood.
    In 100g - 12.5% ​​of the daily intake
  • Source K of potassium
    According to the potassium content, which supports the circulatory system and stimulates the metabolism, champignons leave behind many vegetables and fruits.
    In 100g - 15% of the daily intake

  • Amino acids
    Up to 40% of the amino acids contained in champignons are indispensable for humans.

  • B2 source of riboflavin
    B2 are part of the enzymes that regulate the most important stages of metabolism, improves vision, positively affects the function of liver, blood circulation, and the state of the nervous system.
    In 100g - 28% of the daily intake

  • Antioxidants
    Champignon has more antioxidants than wheat germ, tomato, green pepper, pumpkin and zucchini!

Additional information

Fresh champignon mushrooms in trays by:

250 grams, 300 grams MINI, 400 grams, 700 grams GRIL

Тип упаковки

ФЛОУПАК, Пленка ВОРР с макроперфорацией

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